Monday, February 23, 2009

recap +25

This weekend was pretty much the same as others.Yet since my friend and godson are here it was a bit more fun.Once the baby was down we went through 2 bottles of goose this weekend and then on sunday went and watched a friend get a back piece tat.Its very nice.She took it well for her 1st one.

I've been seeing on various websites 25 random facts about people so i wanted to just list a few..

1.Hello Kitty obsessed since i was 12
2.HUGE jeopardy fan
3.Spanish was my 1st language yet when i moved with my mom i stopped speaking it
4.Book worm
5.Love to laugh
6.Vodka girl <3
7.Love/hate relationship with my sidekick
8.SUPER domestic
9.Dont like spicy food
10.LOVE japanese food
11.Have a major thing for smell goods
12.Speed demon on the road
13.5 tats
14.7 piercings
15.Weave phobia..its weird..not all but quite a bit
16.Tired of my short hair
17.Hoodie fanatic
18.Misspelled words make me cringe
19.Dont wear shoes when i drive
20.Always check my seat with a light at the movies
21.Will listen to any kind of music at least once
22.Severely anemic
23.Wish that the mcchicken was available in wyoming and colorado
24.Don't like to wear clothes at home..just my undergarments
25.Don't like the smell of dogs


  1. no shoes when you drive? thats an interesting one lol.

    i also don't like the smell of dogs...which is part of the reason why I refuse to ever own one.

  2. lol ok ok u got too many to comment on each individually but i love u for being YOU

  3. Ms.Independent we are in the same boat!And aaw daja!

  4. lmao. A "WEAVE-PHOBIA" .... WHAT?!

    You seem a bit anal.
    lol I never sniffed a dog. =/
